For current members: please fill out a membership form with the latest information, circle the renew option and mail it in or bring the form with you along with your membership dues ($5.00 per person per year) For those interested in joining, please fill out the form and send it in by mail. If received before the end of March, you will be able to vote at this AGM. You can bring in the form to the meeting, but will not be able to vote until the next members' meeting.
A reminder to our members: we will be discussing and voting on a Special Resolution aimed at updating our current By-Laws. A separate email with the details and background documentation was sent out 18 March 2018. Just to refresh your memory here is the resolution you are being asked to consider:
that CHPTA approve the revised By-Laws as presented to the members 26 April 2018 (document “Proposed CHPTA by-Laws AGM2018.pdf”) and file the new By-Laws with the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies immediately.Please bring your own copies of any documentation being used at the AGM either in electronic or hard copy format. There will be a very limited quantity of documents available at the meeting.
Please feel free to pass this invitation to anyone who is interested. The more public involvement we have the better we can achieve our objective as laid out in our Memorandum of Association (a founding document):
To encourage volunteer membership in the Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association for the purpose of promoting and coordinating the construction and maintenance of parks and trails in the Cole Harbour area of Halifax County.
Hope to see you there.
Michael McFadden
Cole Harbour Parks and Trails Association